Friday, May 29, 2009

Focus = Eternity

My Mom e-mailed this quote to me. I love it!

“And people who do not know the Lord ask why in the world we waste our lives as missionaries. They forget that they too are expending their lives… and when the bubble has burst they will have nothing of eternal significance to show for the years they have wasted.” – Nate Saint

Have you ever wished you could meet the 5 martyered missionaries? I have, often. Though I'm not sure how exactly accurate the movie, End of the Spear is, I have grown to enjoy it alot. A gripping scene is when Nate Saint is saying goodbye to his family for the last time, or the scene where Nate says, "We don't have two years Betty. ... We only have one chance to reach these people. NOW. This is it." The sacrifice these missionaries displayed is so amazing, and yet, they weren't any more "special" than any of us are. God wants to work in and through us just like how He did through them... because it wasn't about the people. It was about Him and making Him glorified.

Tomorrow morning [in about 12 hours] I'm shooting that wedding for the muslim couple [which reminds me I need to get my batteries charging... ;-D] at the university, and then right after the wedding, I'm going to help teach ESL in BangYai. I'm expecting a great, but busy day ahead. Booyah! ;-)

I was given an official Thai name last night: Nahm Waan. In Thai, it means "sweet."

It's hard to believe we've reached the half-way point of the trip! Time goes by fast when you're havin' fun, huh?

Oh yeah, had time to catch up on my photos tonight, so the photo album is updated.

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