Thursday, May 21, 2009

Day 3 | Highlights from today

  • I am P'Leah here in Thailand.
  • Riding a Tuk Tuk
  • Getting an hour long Thai foot massage [they also massage your arms and shoulders... ahhh.] Then when you're done, they give you a a cup of detoxifying herbal tea!
  • Buying 2 hobo sacks/bags and 2 Thai silk scarves with my baht [money] at a streetside market.
  • Red Bull ;-)
  • It looks like I'm going to be shooting at a muslim wedding next weekend! This muslim couple from Pakistan asked Pastor Caynor if he'd marry them! He said something like, "Well, I'm going to preach about Christ and His love, and Christianity in your wedding message... do you still want me to marry you?" And they do! So what a fantastic witness opportunity...!
  • View some pictures I took today here:
  • Today I was kind of discouraged with my photography. I see so many incredible things and I "see" them in my head, but it's so hard to snap that button and get it perfect in a matter of seconds. On the mission field, you can't just stop and sit there for several seconds to think about how you want to take the shot. You have to take the picture right n.o.w. But then I was reminded that you know, it's not about my pictures or how professional they are [though it IS nice when they are].... it's about honoring Him through the gifts He's given me. Because pictures don't last forever. But the message they bring and the relationships we build with people DO last.
  • As we visited one of the many, many shrines here on the streets of Thailand today, I couldn't help but notice how dedicated to Buddha these people are. People with very low income will spend thousands of dollars at these Buddhist temples for insense candles, flowers, food, special prayer dances that will make Buddha listen to them.... it's amazing! I just had to think, "What if Christians in America were so dedicated to Jesus Christ like that? What if we were so dedicated to One and True God? What if we weren't content just living like a Sunday-go-to-meetin' Christian, but instead lived for God 24/7? ... The sad thing is, is that these Thai people are blinded. They have scales on their eyes. But how will they hear and experience the One and Only True God if there is no one to tell them -- if there is no one to be that example and witness to them? May Jesus rule and reign our hearts so that it would be Him living in and through us, and not we ourselves.


  1. Can you buy me a hobo sack if I paid you back?! I could even send you a paypal payment if you want. =)

    Mom said, if you can, take pictures of the missionary family you're with and also your team of four.

  2. Well, Leah, if there were pictures that you *didn't* get I can't imagine what they could possibly be because the shots you *did* get are captivating! Praise the Lord for communicating through your pictures!

    Love you, courageous adventurer!
