Friday, May 22, 2009

Day four!

Wow, how do you put a fantastic day in very few words? Time is short tonight!

This morning the Caynors had another missionary family over [who work under International Baptist Missions], and I must say I l.o.v.ed. them! Eddy and Darlene are the cutest couple... he's half Thai and half American and extremely tall and she's this extremely tiny filippino lady. [And their testimonies are amazing!] Their 3 little boys are absolutely adorable... I held their youngest for quite a while, and he ended up falling asleep on my shoulder at lunch. :-) Eddy really encouraged us to learn the unexpected from God. So many times we have these expectations and fixed ideas of how God works... and then God likes to blow our minds with his miracles and the unexpected.. it was a real encouragement!

This afternoon we went to some famous Buddhist temples, saw the Giant Buddha [much bigger than what I had previously imagined!], and took a river boat ride down one of the main rivers that runs through Bangkok. We climbed up one of the Buddhist temples... w.o.w., what a steep climb! Each of the steps themselves were as tall as my knees... no joke! Speaking of being short, Cheri, your jokes about me being a missionary to Asia [so I can be with other short ladies] is really being fulfilled! The ladies here are so small and petite -- I really do feel like I fit in. Haha. ;-)

As we were riding in the taxi on the way to the buddhist temples, the Caynor's 14 year old daughter, Kristin, was sharing so many beautiful things God was doing in her heart... I wish I had the time and space to write it all here, but I will say it was so beautiful... I thought, "W.o.w.! I want to have a heart like that!" She is a jewel... and a precious young lady.

I was going to upload some pictures on my album on facebook, but FB decided not to work for me tonight.

I m.u.s.t. pull myself away -- It's midnight here and I need to get up about 6am tomorrow for our truck ride to a very rural village about 4-6 hours from here -- we'll be gone for the weekend! Pray for us, that'd be an encouragement to the new believers here in this village. I was asked to share a testimony Sunday morning with a translator! Never done that before [with a translator], so we'll see what happens! Unless God shows me otherwise, I'm praying about sharing how God has delivered me from the bondage of fear and how I am now living in the freedom of His love... because really, this Christian life is all about love... loving our God and loving His people.


  1. neat. The pictures look amazing, so amazing to be able to look into another culture. Pics from overseas always look so neat - Lord willing I'll have an opportunity one day! :)

  2. it's so good to hear how the trip is going - and i can't wait to hear how your testimony went with the translator. what a cool opportunity!

    your pictures are stunning, leah, and i can tell the Lord is using you in hugely impacting ways on this trip.

    many blessings, friend! <3
