Monday, June 8, 2009

Final thoughts

It's a hot and sticky night here in Bangkok, Thailand. Earlier this evening I found myself walking down a narrow street with the girls on my team... a full moon shining down on us, people wrapping up their street stands for the night, a dog barking nearby, and the sounds of dozens of frogs ribbiting. It was beautiful just to see and hear it all. I had to emind myself that I am actually half way around the world right now in southeast Asia!

I also had to remind myself tonight that the time has come for me to go home. Sometimes I find it easy when I'm on a long trip [like this] to get so wrapped up in what I'm doing, that I forget that I have more waiting ahead of me AFTER the trip. And when I do starting thinking about going back to the "normal and mundane", it can get kind of depressing. But the truth is that God has more for me to do and discover when I go back to where He has me planted right now. Just last night I was reading a devotional by Charles Swindoll and it had some timely encouragement.

"God has some extremely exciting things in mind for His children. For some it may happen tomorrow. For some it may happen next month or next year or five years down the road. We don't know when. For some.... it could happen today. But the beautiful thing about this adventure called faith is that we can count on Him never to lead us astray. He knows exactly where He's taking us. Our job is to obey. 'I will strengthen you, surely I will help you, surely I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.' Isaiah 41:10." -- Charles Swindoll

Tomorrow [Tuesday] is our last day here in Bangkok. In the morning we're going to be ministrying through singing and testimonies at the Bible College here. Pastor Rick asked me to share my testimony to the students here. Pray that we'd be a blessing and encouragement to the college students! The rest of the day will be slow paced... as we pack and get ready for the 24+ hour trip home. My team and I fly out of Bangkok early Wednesday morning! We all split up in Tokyo, Japan and I'll be flying the longest leg of the trip [Tokyo to Seattle] by myself [how lonely!] After clearing customs in Seattle, I will make my last stretch home - back to Denver, Colorado!

People in Thailand have asked me, "So what do you have planned when you get home?" Two days after I get home, I'm a bridesmaid in a wedding [I'm going to have to fight the jet lag with chugs of coffee... how horrible would it be to have a bridemaid pass out in the ceremony... :ahem:], and the very next day I head out with my family for a 2 week RV trip to Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Michigan! From there, my schedule appears to be busy with traveling around the US as I shoot weddings, senior, and maternity photo jobs through the end of the year. But in all reality, I dont have anything planned. I was kind of hoping to be in Togo, Africa by the end of the year for a 3-6 month term, but God seemed to shut the door on that already. Truthfully, I hope it won't be more than a year before I can experience and be apart of a missions trip again - as my heart is on the mission field... but when and where is all for God to decide.

In closing, maybe you'd find it fascinating that I got my ears pierced today: Thai style. ;-) Instead of a piercing gun, the lady used a clamp to "tighten" my ears, and then she pushed the earrings in with her bare hands. ;-) I have to wear these studs for the first 6 weeks atleast, before I can wear anything fun.

Consider this the last "journal entry", although I may post some memorable quotes, a devotional or more spiritual thoughts about the trip on this blog within the next couple weeks! For those that want to keep up with more of my every day experiences as a photographer, you're welcome to be added to my readers list for, however I'll need your e-mail address in order to give you access!

Thank you all for your prayers and support throughout my incredible 3 week journey in Thailand. I am praising God for his faithfulness and goodness to me and I pray that He blesses each one of you immeasurably! May each one of our hearts beat with His heart for the dying world around us. People need the Lord!

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