Sunday, April 5, 2009


[6 weeks left...]

I am encouraged with the increasing levels of my financial support! :-) As of tonight, I am aware that I have atleast $381! Praise God! I can't t.h.a.n.k. y.o.u. enough for your support in the ministry of this trip to Thailand. I am still under what I should be financially right now, so let's keep praying together.

This past week I received the ABWE Photographer's Operations Manual that will be highly benefical to me so that I can know how to do my workflow, shooting, and other things that I'll need to be aware of as I take pictures!

Many of you have asked me, "So what are you doing about your lack in support??" My answer is this: TRUST GOD. I believe that He led me to this trip - won't He be faithful to lead me through it? I've also been asked, "What are you going to do if you don't raise enough support?" Again, my answer is this: TRUST GOD. I personally believe that the Lord never closes a door without opening another. If for some reason he chooses to shut this door, I will trust and believe that He has something better for me to do. But for now, I am stepping boldy ahead in faith, knowing that the Lord will be faithful to supply my needs.

Last night as I was reading my Bible, the Lord gave me the following verse:

"Stand and see this great thing,
which the Lord will do before your eyes."
1 Samuel 12:16

Though I have no idea what exactly God has in store, I am believing and trusting that God does indeed have something amazing prepared.

"Real faith is not hoping to get what you want, but accepting what God gives you." - Adrian Rogers

"Faith is knowing God, and knowing that He is able to do what He says, and that He will do it." - Henry Blackaby

"Faith is not hoping that we will see the answer in the future; faith is believing that we have the answer now." - Anon.

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